
carrying a role

ca. 1m wide x 14m long
(3.3ft x 46ft)

marker, acrylic, pastels on kraft paper

28/carrying a role

For one month I committed to creating one simple drawing of my physical awareness on a single roll of kraft paper. Every day I needed to unroll the paper, which in itself became an act of finding presence and grounding and closer to the end added nerve-wracking time to the process, which wasn’t always had, but always somehow found. It was summer and we travelled to see friends, meaning I had to pack and bring the roll along, on a car, a ferry, into someone’s house (unasked yet thankfully lovingly tolerated).

I chose 28 days as a framework to explore my changing physical awareness throughout one entire menstrual cycle.
Unfolding the sensations anew every day became an almost spiritual practice and the routine of the physical presence a healing one, as well as a reclaiming one, as my body didn’t only belong to myself at that time. It helped in the process of separation, helped bring clarity to physical boundaries between where my body ended and my new daughter’s began.


’Carrying the Roll’ is 14 meters long and 1m tall and aches to be displayed in a circular room (or one allowing for circular installation of that size), for the viewer to be able to enter into the circle/cycle as they are viewing it.
>> If you know of any exhibition locations that could facilitate such a set-up you can
email me here.

Thank you in advance!